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Every video I edit has some sort of narrative. These pieces are more focused on the narrative rather than pushing sales or promoting a certain event. Having the narrative as the main driver in a video gives me real freedom to access the whole story and portray it in a way I believe is most effective.
Save The Pangolins
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Save the Pangolins
A lovely little piece showcasing the harm Pangolins are facing in Liberia and what the teams out there are doing to counter that. The purpose of this video is to raise awareness and to educate Liberians about the danger Pangolins are in. 
Miguel's Pizza
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Miguel's Pizza
Miguel Barclay, also known as the One Pound Chef, opened up his pizza container in early 2020. With a successful career as a chef with 7 cook books released, opening up his own place was the next step. Pizza had always been his dream so he chased it! 
I both shot and edited this and had great fun crafting this little story together. Keeping it light-hearted like Miguel himself was key and something I think I managed to capture.
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